
Thursday, September 15, 2016

the Junk Gypsy Book review: And how to win a free trip to TeXas

Its been in the making for 18 years. The book we have all been waiting for. The long awaited page turner of every Junker's dream. The stories, the ideas, the tips, and the inspiration we all want to share...


The Junk Gypsy Book is available for pre-order, to come out October 4th, 2016.

The Junk Gypsy book comes out October 4th, 2016. But guess who got her glittered filled hands on a pre-sale copy?!?!? THIS GAL! 

I've been reading, studying, obsessing over and re-reading the Junk Gypsy Book for a week now. And I can't get enough of it. 

Here is my brief review: 

On a scale of 1 to 5 I give this book a FIVE STAR rating

I give the Junk Gypsy: Designing a Life at the Crossroads of Wonder & Wander by Jolie and Amie Sikes five out of five stars. 

First off, the title is fitting. The book is an inspirational booklet full of ideas, stories and motivation for anyone who has the passion to design their life with things they love, or want to love. And designing a life in and outside of the home. Amie and Jolie are old souls who are rooted in with their family and their hometown, their Mayberry, yet they have a deep, passionate love affair with the road and the adventures that the blacktop can bring them. They are wanderer's, full of wonder, that have brought their expertise of living a gypsy life at home with their loved ones.  

Quote from Amie & Jolie Sikes from the Junk Gypsy Book.
The Ballad of the Junk Gypsies: The Authors are two sisters, Jolie and Amie Sikes, who took a huge leap of faith and left Corporate America to follow their dreams and use their creativity to make a living. Little did they know that their junk obsession would bring them to be highly sought after designers, creators, TV stars and store owners.  Personally, I don't think I have the guts or grit to leave my safe and secure job to go be a professional flea market vendor.... do you? But to read the story of these gals and how they did just that is nothing short of amaZing. And it makes me re-consider my idea of staying in corporate America... I may just start looking at how to set my soul free...

On every page of this book, you see the true grit, glamour, passion, adventure, love and creativity of the Junk Gypsies. And it is addicting, inspiring and contagious to anyone who reads it. 
Quote from Amie & Jolie Sikes from the Junk Gypsy Book.
 This book is also an educational guide. It educates the reader on "Junkology",  the value of "Sweat Equity", important details in "Architectural Salvage 101" and the idea of "Granny Economics". These are all terms used by the Junk Gypsies that have brilliant meaning to the junker's work and your everyday life. I consider myself a junker, but I learned SO MUCH from the pages of this book. It is extremely inspiring. 

Top: vintage floral waste basket find. Bottom: Sanding the top of a kitchen hutch project in my Junk gypsy tee.
It was also a comforting reminder that I'm not the only one who is eager to rummage through someone's garbage, or pull over to pick up an abandoned piece of furniture in hopes to find the perfect treasure. :) 

Pile of junk goods in my yard.
One of my favorite parts of the book are all of the Do-It-Yourself tutorials that are scattered throughout. The DIY tutorials, ranging from easy to difficult, come with step by step instructions and lots of pictures. Pictures are so helpful, and there are plenty! They also include a full list of materials and a "Pro Tip" on how you can enhance your project, if your heart so desires. 

This entire book is packed full of beautiful, colorful pictures. And I mean FULL of pictures. And I loved each one of them. Each photo is beautiful snapshot of life, creation, emotion and character. Inspirational.

Quote from Amie & Jolie Sikes from the Junk Gypsy Book.
As I mentioned earlier, the Junk Gypsies have a true love affair with the road. They have gypsy souls, the yearn to travel, to wonder and explore. They truly believe in the healing powers of driving down a long highway, windows down and the music blaring. Clearing your soul of the day to day hustle that can bog you down and smother your creativity. And after reading their words of encouragement and adoring their adventurous road photos, you will most likely hop in your vehicle and put Willie Nelson on Pandora and take off wherever the wind blows you. I'll bet you a dollar you do because that's exactly what I did. I'm tellin' ya, THIS BOOK IS INSPIRING. 
Quote from Amie & Jolie Sikes from the Junk Gypsy Book.
"The difference between an adventure and an ordeal is attitude." -Robert Lipkin

Quote from Miranda Lambert about the Junk Gypsy Book.
If the fact that the Junk Gypsies designed country star Miranda's Lambert's wedding, or that they have an entire "Airstream Chronicles" section of their blog because they design big star names air streams like Billie Joe of Greenday or Dierks Bently (country singer) isn't enough to intrigue you to read their book.... I hope this review helps. 

If you like old things, if you like junk, if you haven't yet worked with junk and want to start, if you yearn to wonder, if you are already a wanderer, if you love the Junk Gypies, or if this is the first time you've heard of the Junk Gypsies, this book is for you. 

Quote from Amie & Jolie Sikes from the Junk Gypsy Book.
There is a common theme I noticed throughout my review (which was completely unintentional by the way...) and that is the word "inspirational". To sum it up, this book is INSPIRATIONAL. Its one of the best books I have read all year and I hope you enjoy it as much I did. 

Now go pre-order your copy TODAY! 

All you have to do is pre-order your copy, go to this website and enter your receipt number- then TA-DA! You're entered. May the odds be ever in your favor my junker friends. :) 

Thank you for reading my review- and feel free to ask any questions or your own thoughts on the comments below. 

xoxo- Sarah Beth 

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Beth, I love your review of the book. I totally agreed with every single word. The book is absolutely, without a doubt, the most inspiring thing I have read in years. Amie and Jolie's book is hard to put down. I have been online every night perusing through those beautiful pages and hanging on every thought, quote, picture, diy, tip and story. I love that they have shared so much of their journey with the world. These gals are the true meaning of brave, gypsy souls who have looked beyond any fear they may have had and just decided to live their dreams of traveling the blacktop in search of adventure and great junk. ♡~Liz
