Saturday, January 19, 2013

Delivery- A Damaged Car & Goodies: January 18th

I got a wake up call this morning from Mom saying that my Jeep was going to be delivered in about an hour! So I took my time getting up but I hadn't changed out of my Pj's yet. Maybe 30 minutes later, Mom called me back and told me that they were right down the street!! The large auto trailer wasn't going to be able to make the turn onto our main street, so we walked down two houses to the cross street. A bald Romanian man, and his rotund wife, were unloading the Jeep when Buck and I walked up to them in our pajamas. The Romanian woman had short curly brown hair and she smelled strongly of perfume. She was the boss you could tell. She was loud, demanding, but nice. They told me a price higher than I had agreed on, so I made them call back to their scheduling company and made sure that it was confirmed on the price we had agreed at. As I was paying, Buck took a quick look around the Jeep and it seemed to look ok. So after we signed and paid, we drive the Jeep back to the house. Mom had left a box in the back seat of the Jeep so I stood on my side step to reach in when I noticed a large piece of black duct tape on my roof. I almost missed it, but then I next saw a huge hole in my roof!!! The hole is large I can fit three fingers right through. I couldn't believe it. So Buck and I drove right back down to the couple as they were loading the trailer back up. Buck went to them and told them the problem, and the man confessed to putting the black tape on my roof to cover a hole. So he tried to hide one hole. But when we showed him the second, larger hole, he denied it.... but I told him what was what. I told him that this was a brand new top and I delivered it whole with no large holes for leaks. But when he realized the Jeep top was one piece, and that he was going to be paying for the taped hole anyway, it didn't matter. So I called into the main office in Florida, and told the man on the other line what had happened. Instead of turning it into insurance, he is now going to buy me a new top and send it to the house. I left my VIN number and address with the Romanian couple and should be expecting a delivery. So we will see how this goes!

When we got back to the house, I was able to look through the boxes that were in my Jeep and I found gOoDiEs!! Mom and Dad had packed Buck and I a care package!! There was Cheez It's, popcorn, pop tarts, cereal, skittles, mento's, blueberry muffin mix, Oreo cake mix, fruit cups, soups, ravioli's, pasta, spaghetti sauce, gravy mix, toothbrushes, laundry soap, dish soap, kitchen towels, wash cloths, toilet cleaner, and toilet paper. Bluebell got treats and toys too. There was also a magnified bathroom mirror just for me!!!!! Thank you Mom and Dad for spoiling me and for all the goodies! We love it all ;-) MUAH!!!!

Buck left around 2 pm to head on up to Kentucky. He went to spend Friday and Saturday with his friend Andy. Andy is an early thirties high school agriculture teacher in Kentucky who lives on 800 acres of inherited family land. So Buck and Andy are bow hunting for white tails. Andy also song writes, so that is how Buck and Andy met. So I won't hear from Buck till tomorrow sometime. :)

Today I had the longest day at work. I clocked in at 4 pm and clocked out at 1:20 am. To say the least I'm exhausted. BUT today was fun and I actually learned something. :-) I was given tables and waitresses everything without someone on my back the whole time. I did great, it was easy, but I didn't get to keep a single tip I made. :-/ Boo. That's because I'm still a "trainee" and I was taking over Ashley's shift, so that's her money really. Oh well. While I'm training in getting paid minimum wage, instead of the ridiculous $2.13 waitresses normally do.

I'm keeping my eyes open for a better job still.

When I got home I had the most lOvElY letter in the mail from Miss Marissa Pickering. I love getting mail!!! Thank you for the updates my dear, and be expecting to hear from me soon!! I loved your letter. It had me smiling. :-) xoxo

Off to bed! Very late and I'm pooped. Back at it again tomorrow. Love you all!!

Sarah Beth & Buck

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