Thursday, January 17, 2013

Waterless & Armod the Taxi Driver: January 17th

Buck woke up before I did. But not 5 minutes after he walked out of the room, did he walk back in. And he looked beyond mad. He was furious!! Turns out we had no water. He went to turn it on from the outside, but there was a lock on it! The water company had came out either late last night, or early in the morning, and locked our water line. :-/ So Buck had to call our landlord and ask her what the problem was. She simply asked, "Did you sign up with the city water system?" That is what really made Buck mad because our landlord sent us an email saying quote, "All we had to do was turn the water on outside of the house." So Buck had to take my computer, drive to staples for an Internet connection, print out our lease agreement, then drive to the water service office, prove our lease, and pay a water deposit. The lock was then taken off within an hour. I'm so glad it was taken care of within the day, but it's too bad our landlord left us in the dark. :-(

Buck had an acoustic show today at The Wheel in downtown Nashville. He played from 2 to 6. He made a base rate from the bar and got to keep all tips. He said it started out slow, but picked up around 5 pm.

Since Buck had his show at 2, I had to take a cab to work to be there at 4. I called Checker Cab Nashville, and scheduled them to pick me up before work. When I got into the cab, the canb driver said, "Wow, your pretty!" I was a little confused, and a little concerned, but then he continued. He said, "Not to be rude, but I was so surprised to see you." He said, "People from this side of town are usually black, and not good people." My mouth fell open. He was being so racist! But durning the ride to my work he told me that the east side of Nashville is a bad area to be in and that he recommended that we move to a better side of town whenever I got the chance. Armod, the cab driver, then proceeded to tell me about better waitressing jobs that I could get around town. He was just full of of his own opinions and recommendations lol.

Work today was very slow and..... well boring to be honest. Training has been the same for the past three days and I'm still not really able to do much on my own. But hopefully I'll have more responsibility tomorrow. We will see!

Buck picked me up from work and since then we have been hanging out at home, playing with Bluebell, and playing records.

Hope all is well with everyone. We love you all!!

Sarah Beth & Buck

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