Monday, January 14, 2013

Snow, Rain, & an ABC License: January 14th

Today I got up before Buck and cooked breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and potatoes! Then Buck took me to Dave & Busters, not so I could work, but so I could attend an ABC licensing class that is required for all servers and bartenders to have in Tennessee. It cost me $80 to take the class and to receive the license. The class went from 10:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. I learned all about how alcohol affects the body, how alcohol is absorbed, how to help prevent guests from becoming intoxicated, and ways of identifying drunk people or people under the age. I also learned all Tennessee drinking laws and how I will be held responsible and how I could be charged with a criminal and/or civil lawsuit if I help in breaking a Tennessee alcohol law. Summary of the main points we were tested on were;
•Count customer drinks
•Men can have about 4 drinks and women can have about 3 drinks in their bloodstream to be intoxicated
•Legal percent of blood alcohol content to drive is .08
•Deathly blood alcohol content is .30
•After 10 p.m. you cannot serve more than one drink at a time to a customer
•You can serve alcohol 8 a.m. to 3 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. Sunday.
There are sooooo many rules, regulations, and suggestions I have a 40 page rule book. But I took the class, took the test, and I passed so I am good for that license for the next 5 years.

Buck took a trip to Earnest Tubb's record shop in downtown Nashville and his CD's are now on consignment at both stores in Nashville!!! Susan, the purchaser for the store, told Buck that she doesn't take in many unsigned artists, but she was impressed with his website and found a lot online that she liked. So if you know of anyone in this area, tell them to head on down to Earnest Tubb's record shop and to get a Buck Ford CD! :)

Because Saturday was raining but hot, I've have been wearing light jackets and avoiding too many layers, scared I would overheat again lol. But today is freezing!! The weather can not make up its mind. It even began to snow for awhile. On our way back from Dave & Busters we got stuck in traffic again, and all the cars around us were plastered with ice, icicles, and snow! Crazy weather over here.

Dinner consisted of good ole 20 cent Top Ramen noodles and a sandwich. Livin' the good life :)

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